The following appeared in The Oregonian newspaper, Portland, Oregon, May 19, 1992, on page B02:
"Half of classrooms
exceed standards
for carbon dioxide
EUGENE- Half the Oregon
classrooms tested in a study ex-
ceeded the Environmental Protec-
tion Agency's recommended stan-
dard for carbon dioxide, the
American Lung Association of Or-
egon says.
Association program director
Joe Weller said lack of fresh air in
classrooms could cause head-
ache, fatigue, eye irritation, nau-
sea, dizziness, and risk of respira-
tory infection.
Weller recently conducted an
indoor air quality study in 132
classrooms across the state using
a portable monitor to measure
carbon dioxide levels.
The recommended indoor stan-
dard for carbon dioxide is 1,000
parts per million.
The Bethel School District in
northwest Eugene participated in
the study according to Assistant
Superintendent Tim Keeley.
About five schools were tested, he
The district took part in the stu-
dy because last fall it received
some complaints of headache and
fatigue from teachers in four of its
schools, Keeley said.
The district has since commis-
sioned a $31,500 study to look at
air quality problems at the
schools and is now making some
Weller wouldn't identify the 26
schools which voluntarily agreed
to participate in the program, nor
would he discuss their test re-
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